Bekijk Collection

J.F. Hoppenbrouwers
Winter scene of mother and child on the path
J.F. Hoppenbrouwers - Winter scene of mother and child on the path, Oil on panel, 18 x 25 cm (39 x 46 cm with frame)
Henk ten Cate (1867-1955)
Winter landscape
Henk ten Cate - Winter landscape, Aquarel, 49 x 62 cm (56 x 70 cm with frame)
Antal Jancsek
Antal Jancsek (1907-1985) - Winter, Oil on panel, 23 x 19 cm (28 x 33 cm with frame)
C. Kraayvanger
Winter landscape
C. Kraayvanger - Winter landscape , Acrylic on canvas, 90 x 120 cm (114 x 144 cm with frame)
Hendrik Frauentelder
Winter landscape
Hendrik Frauentelder - Winter landscape, Drawing, 33 x 49 cm (41 x 57 cm with frame)
Corneille (1922-2010)
Petite Femme Épouvantail
Bert Vredegoor
Place of revelation
Bert Vredegoor, Place of revelation , olieverf op doek, 120 x 250 cm
Inlijsting Houten lijst
Houten lijst
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€260,- €195,-