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Albert Saverijs (1886-1964)
View near Deinze in Rain
Albert Saverys (1886-1964) - View near Deinze in Rain, Oil on panel, 60 x 80 cm (85 x 105 cm with frame)
Dick Ket
Collected Works of Dick Ket: 12 Lithographs in Portfolio
Dick Ket - Collected Works of Dick Ket: 12 Lithographs in Portfolio, 49 x 39 cm
Mario Soave
Flower Field in Spring
Mario Soave - Flower Field in Spring, screen print, 35 x 50 cm
Mario Soave
Italian Village
Mario Soave - Italian Village, screen print, 70 x 50 cm
Mario Soave
Italian landscape
Mario Soave - Italian Landscape, screen print, 50 x70
François Gangémi
Shared Silhouettes
François Gangémi - Shared Silhouettes, Mixed media on canvas, 60 x 75 cm
François Gangémi
Art Model
François Gangémi - Art Model, Mixed media on paper, 70 x 30 cm (with frame 110 x 70 cm)
François Gangémi
Jazz Band
François Gangémi - Jazz Band, Mixed media on canvas, 80 x 65 cm
François Gangémi
Musical Buffalo
François Gangémi - Musical Buffalo, Mixed media on paper, 55 x 35 cm (with frame 95 x 80 cm)
Ernst Leyden (1892-1969) Fleurs dans un vase
Ernst Leyden (1892-1969)
Fleurs dans un vase
Ernst Leyden (1892-1969), Fleurs dans un vase, olieverf op doek.
€1.250,- €850,-
Armando (1929-2018)
The Flag, Litho 118 x 86 cm
Pablo Picasso (1881-1973)
Contrée, Etching
Pieter Gerardus van Os (1776-1839)
Cows and herders resting in a meadow
Cows and herders resting in a meadow
Robert Delval (1934)
Courchevel, France
Courchevel, France
Annie Leibovitz
Annie Leibovitz - Art Edition - Copy
Annie Leibovitz - Art Edition
Piet Stokmans
Piet Stockmans - Copy
Johannes Bosboom (1817-1891)
The Consistory chamber of Breda, the Netherlands
The Consistory chamber of Breda, the Netherlands
Tim Ayres (1965)
When She's Back
Oil and Wood, 150 x 130 cm
Jeroen Henneman (1942)
Little diffrence
Diffrence, Etching, 120 x 160 cm
Reinier Lucassen(1939)
Silscreen, 3/30 edition
Anton Heyboer (1924-2005)
Boat. Acryl on canvas
Yvan Theys (1936-2005)
Oil on camvas, 90 x 90 xm
Jan Henderikse (1937)
Untitled, ink on paper
Anton Martineau (1926-2017)
Untitled, oil on canvas