Classical Paintings

Explore the Paintings subcategory and discover exquisite artworks by the great masters from antiquity to the Renaissance. From emotional portraits to enchanting landscapes, here you will find an extensive collection of the finest paintings.

In the Paintings subcategory, you will find an extensive collection of paintings from antiquity to the Renaissance. Discover the emotional power of portraits by renowned artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Rembrandt, and admire the enchanting landscapes by artists like Claude Monet and Vincent van Gogh. Learn about the artistic techniques and symbolism used in these paintings, and explore the history and cultural context in which they were created.

Jan van Lingen(1906-1983)
Jan van Lingen(1906-1983), Amsterdam, oil on canvas, 64 x 84 cm.
Jan Veth (1864-1925)
Portrait Jozef Israëls (1824-1911)
Jan Veth (1864-1925) - Portrait Jozef Israëls (1824-1911) - Oil on canvas - 1895 - 89 x 99 cm
Bauer-Stumpff. Jo (1873-1964)
Still Life With Flowers And Apples On A Draped Table
Bauer-Stumpff. Jo (1873-1964) - Still Life With Flowers And Apples On A Draped Table - Oil on canvas - Dimensions work: 58 x 38 cm - Provenance: Sotheby's
Toon Kelder (1894-1973) Winterlandschap
Toon Kelder (1894-1973)
€750,- €550,-
Chris van der Windt (1877-1952)
Still life with portrait and vase - Copy
Chris van der Windt (1877-1952), Still life with portrait and vase, oil on panel - 49 x 61 cm
Oene Romkes de Jongh
Oene Romkes de Jongh, Wintergezicht Haalrem
Oene Romkes de Jongh, Wintergezicht Haalrem
Joub Wiertz (1893-1966)
The house of Wouter Vis, Sloterdijk Amsterdam
The house of Wouter Vis, Sloterdijk Amsterdam - Oil on Canvas
Petrus Johannes Corn Franken (1866-1911) Vee in boslandschap
Petrus Johannes Corn Franken (1866-1911)
Vee in boslandschap
Petrus Johannes Corn Franken (1866-1911) - Vee in boslandschap - olieverf op doek - 73 x 83 cm
€600,- €350,-
Toegeschreven aan Jan Victors (1620-1676)
The cockerel seller
Attributed to Jan Victors (1620-1676) - The cockerel seller - Oil on panel - Good condition - 62 x 51 cm
Adriaan Marinus Geijp (1855-1926)
Lady enjoying the shade in summer
Gerrit Haverkamp (1872-1926)
Church of Abcoude
Jan Jacob Coenraad Spohler (1837-1922 Winter landscape with figures on and along frozen river
Jan Jacob Coenraad Spohler (1837-1922
Winter landscape with figures on and along frozen river
J.J.C. Spohler (1837-1922) - Winter landscape with figures on and along frozen river - oil on canvas - Panel dimensions: 43 x 66.8 cm
Anton Mauve (1838-1880) Geitenhoedster
Anton Mauve (1838-1880)
€2.500,- €1.950,-
Victor Bauffel (1849-1921)
Grachtje, mogelijk Leidschendam
Adolf Konrad Walter Bock (1890-1968) Meer
Adolf Konrad Walter Bock (1890-1968)
Adolf Konrad Walter Bock (1890-1968) - Meer - olieverf op doek - 80 x 100 cm
€600,- €450,-
Ans van den Berg (1873-1942)
Still life with a covered table
Ans van den Berg (1873-1942) - Still life with a covered table - Oil on canvas - Dimensions work: 54 x 65 cm - Signed bottom right - Provenance: Sotheby's
Romeo Dumoulin (1883-1944)
Enfants jouant sur la plage
Enfants jouant sur la plage, Romeo Dumoulin (1883-1944), 44 x 56 cm, oil on board.
Bernard Blommers (1845-1914)
Mother with child on the beach
Mother with child on the beach, Oil on canvas
Pierre Grisot (1911-1995) Les ballerines
Pierre Grisot (1911-1995)
Les ballerines
Pierre Grisot (1911-1995) - Les ballerines - olieverf op doek 65 x 56 cm
€750,- €550,-
L.C. Maers (XX) Spaanse flamengo danseres
L.C. Maers (XX)
Spaanse flamengo danseres
L.C. Maers (XX) - Spaanse flamengo danseres - olieverf op doek - 80 x 60 cm
€400,- €300,-
Grégoire Michonze (1902-1982)
Village de campagn,
Village de campagn, Grégoire Michonze (1902-1982), oil on canvas, 30 x 35 cm
Albertus Verhoesen (1806-1881)
Interieur van schuur met jonge boerenknecht, koe, geit en kip
Bernard de Hoog (1866-1943)
Interieur met moeder en kinderen